It is Finished!!

I cannot believe today is July 1st. I am really excited for the 4th of July this year!

Ok, so I have been working on this project for longer than I care to admit. While I was working on it I kept saying that it was never ending. Well, I am finally able to say that it is DONE!!! Yay!

am not completely satisfied with it because I am a little bit of a perfectionist, but I think it looks pretty good. When we got it, it was a little rough. It was beat up in areas and I didn’t like the color of the stain. I thought it had a little too much of a red tint to it. So I began the insane task of completely stripping it. As I started I decided that the inside needed to be painted, mostly because it was difficult to work inside of it. 🙂 So this brings me to the part that I am little upset about. As I got it ready to paint the inside I tapped off the areas that were going to be stained. Little did I know I was taping it incorrectly. A little part that I thought would be on the inside can be seen on the outside!! Arrgh. As Daniel was putting the doors back on (after it was completely finished and put back in the bedroom) I realized that I messed up. He closed the door to the dresser and I saw the teal on the outside. He thinks that it looks fine, but I am not convinced. I am still trying to see if there is anything that I can do to fix it, but for now it will stay that way. So here you go, here are some before and after photos!! Enjoy!!
