Sometimes I spend too much time comparing myself to other photographers. Sometimes after a shoot I feel like I was not creative enough or I could have thought of more poses. And sometimes I just feel like my work is not good enough. Why am I telling you this? Well I am hoping that somewhere out there is another photographer who is feeling like this and is listening. I may not be the most experienced photographer (yet) :-), but I have learned how to combat these feelings.
This morning I just sat at my computer watching the slide show on my website just to enjoy them. You see, while we edit we are so focused on making that photo as good as we possibly can that sometimes we just see the negative in the photo. It is good to just sit back and look at your photos with a different eye from your editing mindset. I also enjoy looking at some of my older photos and then look at my newer ones to see how far I have come. My photography continues to improve and grow and I hope that I continue to improve with every shoot.
Now as far as comparing myself with other photographers. This one can be difficult for me. I love to look at new styles! I love to research new photographers and see what is going on in the photography world. But this can also be a dangerous thing. If I let myself, I find myself comparing myself to them. I think, “I wish my photography was that good”, or “My work is good but not great like theirs is”. When my husband hears me he gets irritated. The one photographer I normally compare myself to is Katelyn James! I adore her work! But I have to step back and realize that I have my own style and that there is no one else like me! What separates you apart as a photographer is YOU!!!! You provide a different experience, a different angle, a different point of view that no one else can replicate. One thing that I try to do at every photo shoot is to make my clients comfortable. I want them to enjoy their photo shoot! I want it to be a fun time! When they are having fun it shows in their photos. Their true personality comes through.
Anyway, I hope that this is encouragement to someone. I am not very good at sharing stuff like this, but I am trying to get better at it. Others have helped me in the process of growing my business and I want to help out new photographers grow and be confident in their abilities.
Since every post is better with photos 🙂 here is a preview of a family shoot that’s coming soon….. 🙂