Yesterday I woke up and started to work as normal. After about an hour my eyes and head were hurting so bad that I could not focus very well. And then I realized that I haven’t taken a day off in a while. I have had so many photo shoots lately (which I am very grateful for) that I have been working non-stop. My weekends have been packed with one shoot after another and even a few during the week. The rest of my time has been editing, trying to get the photos done as quickly as possible for my clients. But yesterday I came to a point to where my eyes would not let me work anymore. So, I decided that I needed to take a day off. 🙂 I relaxed for the rest of the day. And now, I am up this morning and rejuvenated and ready to get some work done. I guess from now on when I am busy like this I am going to have to plan out my days off so that I actually take one.
Here is a preview of a beautiful family that is coming your way soon!